Concerned Parents Arrested While Objecting to Critical Race Theory Teachings at School Board Meeting


Hundreds of concerned parents in Loudoun County, Virginia showed up a school board meeting to demonstrate their objection to teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) and multiple policies regarding transgender students in the school system.

However, after numerous parents expressed their apprehensions to the school board members, the members immediately shut down discussion. Many parents continued to object, and at least two of the worried parents were arrested.

During the meeting, numerous videos surfaced of parents and opponents of CRT policies speaking out and being cheered on by other supporters in the room.

Former Republican state lawmaker Dick Black took to the podium to chastise the board members for their treatment of Tanner Cross, a teacher who was suspended after speaking out against the school system’s proposals. Further, claims had surfaced that multiple progressive community members had organized a list of their conservative neighbors to publicly shame.

Once Black finished speaking, the large group of supporters in the auditorium immediately began to cheer in response to the comments. The parents chanted “Shame on you” directed to the controversial school board members. Immediately, the members voted to end public discussion.


After public discussion ended, parents continued to voice their concerns. This led to the arrest of at least two parents.

The school board members left the room to the sound of the parents singing the Star Spangled Banner.

Loudon County Schools have made national headlines in recent weeks for their enactment of recent policies regarding CRT and transgender bathroom policies.

The school system’s superintendent denied claims the system was teaching Critical Race Theory. “It is not something that we are teaching in Loudoun County Public Schools,” he said.

However, just as he made the claim, the superintendent and other school system officials hosted a workshop on enhancing “equity” in the school system.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].




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One Thought to “Concerned Parents Arrested While Objecting to Critical Race Theory Teachings at School Board Meeting”

  1. jofmok

    Isn’t that dirty!
