Multiple Major Corporations Sponsor Child Drag Events

by Eric Lendrum


An upcoming drag event in Boise, Idaho that will be targeting young children has received the sponsorship of numerous major corporations, including Target, Wells Fargo, CitiBank, and Hewlett-Packard.

As reported by Breitbart, the Boise Pride Festival will feature an additional event titled “Drag Kids on Stage.” Marketing itself as “a drag show like none other,” the event description says that children as young as 11 will be on-stage.

“You have watched the queens and kings,” the description continues. “Now it’s time to see the kids. Come and cheer them on as they bring drag to the younger generation.”

The event will take place over the weekend of September 9th through the 11th.

Other companies that have also sponsored the Boise Pride Festival include T-Mobile, Albertson’s, and the Blue Cross of Idaho. Several alcohol brands are also sponsoring the event, including Jack Daniel’s, Smirnoff, and Mike’s Hard Lemonade.

Several of the companies have been known to provide financial support to similar displays of degeneracy and indecency towards children. Wells Fargo has marched in over 50 pride parades, and offers custom credit cards to customers featuring the gay rainbow flag or the pink, blue, and white flag of transgenderism. The bank’s website declares that it has offered support to “key LGBTQ organizations through financial and volunteer resources, including HRC, Point Foundation, The Trevor Project, and Out & Equal Workplace Advocates.”

“Drag” events feature men dressing up as women to absurd degrees, with excessive amounts of makeup, outlandish wigs, and flashy dresses, and performing dance routines the same way strippers would at a strip club. Most men who participate in drag events are homosexual, and the movement has thus been widely seen as a gateway for young children to be converted to homosexuality, as well as transgenderism, the false and scientifically-debunked belief that there are more than two genders, and that anyone can change their own gender at any time.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Drag Queen Story Hour” by WeHoCity. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.





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