John Fredericks-Led ‘Team Trump Georgia Bus Tour’ Kicks Off, Highlighting Election Fraud and the Goal to Turn Georgia Counties Red

DUNWOODY, Georgia – The Team Trump Georgia Bus Tour, a statewide circuit supporting Trump-endorsed political candidates, hit the road Monday morning at Wild Wings restaurant in Dunwoody, Georgia.

DeKalb County Republican Party Chairman Marci McCarthy stated, “We’re thrilled to be here in welcoming the John Fredericks Georgia Trump Bus Tour here in DeKalb County, Georgia! We’re the kickoff stop, and we are going to vote DeKalb red!”

Garland Favorito, the head of the Georgia-based election integrity group VoterGA added, “It’s really got to change now or we’re going to lose Georgia, and if we lose Georgia we’re going to lose America, and if we lose America we’re going to lose the world. So this is huge.”

An original organizer of the February 2009 Tea Party rallies and president of the Atlanta Tea Party, Debbie Dooley, shared her thoughts on the events of day one of the tour at the famous “Big Chicken” KFC in Marietta, Georgia.

“I think it’s been an incredible success. At 6 a.m. this morning at Wild Wing Cafe there were over 150 people,” Dooley said. ‘The grassroots [supporters] are excited, they’re enthusiastic about this tour. I’m getting calls and texts from folks saying ‘hey, we want you to visit our area’.

Dooley lamented that although the tour will not be able to visit every part of the Peach State, “it shows that the grassroots are enthusiastic about the tour.”

“I think this bus tour will help [Perdue] force Brian Kemp into a run-off. If David forces Kemp into a run-off, he wins, game over.”

Radio broadcaster and publisher of The Georgia Star News, John Fredericks, broke down the neck-and-neck nature of the race between Perdue and his rival, the incumbent Kemp.

“David Perdue right now in this race: down by 4 … Kemp is at 53 percent, right now; today. If it’s 49 percent, guess what? Run-off. That’s four points. Not 15. Not 17. Not 20. Four. It’s a four-point race, and if Perdue gets in the run-off with Brian Kemp, Perdue is governor.”

Candidate for Georgia Attorney General, John Gordon, spoke about the importance of the bus tour and his campaign for attorney general. “I’m not a household name. That’s what a campaign is for,” Gordon said. “For the last six weeks, we have been running as hard as we know to run. We have met thousands of Georgians. The message is resonating,” he emphasized. “This is a wonderful opportunity to get more exposure, to meet more people, and to continue to put our message out there for people to hear.”

Fredericks said “You couldn’t ask for a better first day. This bus tour, 50 cities in 13 days. We’re barnstorming the state for Team Trump. This is the Real Georgia Speaks Bus Tour. We’re going to get outside of Atlanta, outside the fake news, outside the corrupt cabal, outside of all the compromised people, outside the AJC, the WSB … all the nonsense you have to deal with in Atlanta: suppressing what real voters think and all the fake news,” Fredericks continued.

“We’re going to bust through it. Part of it is with Georgia Star News. Go to, they’re going to tell you the truth every day, daily updates.”

The renowned radio broadcaster and geopolitical analyst elaborated, “wherever we go, people are flocking to us because they’re fired up, because they know that Brian Kemp has suppressed evidence. They know that he has done nothing to get to the bottom of November 3rd. He’s done everything to stop the evidence from coming out, and he’s a liar. He keeps lying over and over again. It doesn’t matter how many times you say the same thing. If it’s a lie, it’s a lie. He did nothing. He was there with the consent decree right under his nose.”

Fredericks added, “Then we tried to get rid of the drop boxes in this session, in Georgia. He made ‘Cosmo Man’, Geoff Duncan, throw out the rules and deep-six that, so you’ve got drop boxes that are now codified forever. This is the shenanigans that go on here.”

Jill Trammel, Georgia congressional representative candidate for the 50th district, added, “We did a lot of radio interviews and we’re getting the word out about the fact that we want forensic audits here in Georgia and we want candidates who will speak up and tell the people who they support. I’m one of the only people that came out and the only candidate in House District 50, Johns Creek, that is supporting Perdue.” The Veterans for America First-backed candidate continued, “when we have the opportunity, we may vote [Georgia Speaker of the House] Ralston out. This is what our constituents want, so we need you to come out and vote.”

After expressing the success of the first day of the tour, John Fredericks had some choice words for the current Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp.

“Governor Kemp, can I ask you something? You come into office, you’ve got $2.5 million dollars in debt. Four years later, you’re worth $8 million. Your salary is $175,000. The people of Georgia would like to know your business model, because it must be pretty good.” Fredericks quipped, “I’d like to make $10.5 million dollars in three years, too! So why don’t you tell us how you make $10.5 million dollars as governor on a $175,000 salary in three and half years. I think that would be really good stuff.”

Real Georgia Speaks Team Trump Bus Tour mainstay Debbie Dooley shared her desire for Georgians to connect with the tour. “We can meet up. I will tell you to go to and click on “Bus Tour” – and keep in mind, the schedule could change,” Dooley cautioned, “so you want to keep up with it before you go see us.”

Georgians interested in linking up with John Fredericks and the bus tour can also go to for updates and schedule information.

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Addison Basurto is a reporter at The Georgia Star and The Star News Network. Follow Addy on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected]


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