Coffee Prices Hit Record High amid Brazilian Drought

Coffee Beans

An ongoing drought in Brazil coupled with bad weather in Vietnam has contributed to a significant spike in the price for Arabica and Robusta coffee beans, according to reports.

Arabica beans, now selling for more than $3.44 a pound have increased more than 80% this year, and Robusta beans also hit a high in September, marking a record high for international commodity markets.

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Groups Coordinate with Hundreds of Media Outlets to Push Climate ‘Crisis’ in News and Entertainment

Planet B Protest

Ahead of the Easter weekend, multiple media outlets reported that chocolate prices are soaring, and according to the coverage, the main culprit driving the inflating costs is climate change.

Across multiple platforms, the reports followed a similar message, using similar language to describe the problem and its causes — and the reports all came out the same week.

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