Trump Leads Biden in Georgia Poll Including Kennedy Ahead of First Debate

Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and RFK

A Monday poll found former President Donald Trump holds a five-point lead over President Joe Biden in Georgia ahead of the Thursday presidential debate in Atlanta, which will mark the first time the presidents have shared a stage since their final debate prior to the 2020 election.

The poll found Trump has the support of 43 percent of Peach State voters, giving him a five-percent lead over Joe Biden, who had just 38 percent of support.

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CNN to Run Commercials During June Presidential Debates, Breaking From Tradition

Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Presidential debates have traditionally run commercial free, but CNN reportedly plans to break from that tradition during its scheduled June 27 live debate.

The cable news network plans to run commercial breaks during the scheduled June 27 debate, according to the entertainment magazine Variety, citing unnamed sources.

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