Ronna McDaniel Calls for Republican Unification Before Georgia Primary

The Chairwoman of the Republican Party took to “Fox News Sunday” where she called for unification of the Republican Party. 

“I think we’re gonna get past this primary season and I’m gonna be so grateful when we do and we really focus on the Democrats,” GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in segment that focused on former President Donald Trump’s endorsements for various offices nationwide. 

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Trump Not Dumping Perdue, NBC Story ‘Fake News’

After NBC published a Friday story citing anonymous sources who said former President Donald Trump had given up his support of former Sen. David Perdue (R-GA), now running for governor, Trump himself dispelled the rumor. 

“The Kemp Campaign, together with Fake News NBC, has put out a phony narrative that I have given up on David Perdue in Georgia,” Trump said on his social media outlet Truth Social. “That is completely FALSE.”

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Trump Not Dumping Perdue, NBC Story ‘Fake News’

After NBC published a Friday story citing anonymous sources who said former President Donald Trump had given up his support of former Sen. David Perdue (R-GA), now running for governor, Trump himself dispelled the rumor. 

“The Kemp Campaign, together with Fake News NBC, has put out a phony narrative that I have given up on David Perdue in Georgia,” Trump said on his social media outlet Truth Social. “That is completely FALSE.”

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Judge Tells Fulton County to Provide ‘Additional Layer of Security’ for 2020 Election Records

A Georgia judge has issued an extraordinary ruling in requiring the state’s largest county to provide an “additional layer of security” for 2020 election records, handing former GOP Sen. David Perdue and 2022 gubernatorial candidate a major victory in his court-related, election-integrity efforts.

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Stacey Abrams Debuts First Campaign Ad of Election Cycle

Stacey Abrams walking and talking with group of people

A Georgia Democrat making her second attempt at securing the state’s highest office released her first campaign ad Tuesday, touting her determination to this time win the election. 

“I was raised that when you don’t get what you want, you don’t give up,” Stacey Abrams said in the ad. “You try again. You try because it’s how things get better. It’s how the world moves forward. I don’t quit, because Georgians deserve leadership, and that’s what a leader does.”

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Newt Gingrich Commentary: Abolish the Georgia State Income Tax

Newt Gingrich

The time has come to abolish the Georgia state income tax.

Sen. David Perdue was exactly right in proposing to eliminate the state income tax. He was also right in suggesting that he could work with the Georgia state legislature and find ways to return money to the people of Georgia rather than focusing it on the state bureaucracies.

The money is clearly there. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported, “Despite pandemic, Georgia ends fiscal year with a record $3.2 billion jump in revenue.” The article went on to note, “The state saw revenue grow 13.5% over 2020. … Besides the boon in state tax collections, Georgia is also receiving about $4.7 billion or so from the latest federal COVID-19 relief plan.”

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Former Georgia GOP Sen. David Perdue Announces Primary Bid Against Gov. Kemp

Former Georgia GOP Sen. David Perdue on Monday announced his primary bid against incumbent Republican Gov. Brian Kemp.

In a video announcement Monday, Perdue said Kemp “has failed all of us and cannot win in November.”

Perdue was recruited to challenge Kemp by former President Donald Trump.

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Commentary: The Libertarian Party Delivers Wins to Anti-Liberty Democrats and There Is No Principle in That

If you want to find a Libertarian Party organization that has achieved relevance, look no further than Georgia. That’s where Shane Hazel, running for the U.S. Senate as a Libertarian, garnered 2.3 percent of the vote in November. Hazel’s showing may have been insignificant, but the Republican candidate, David Perdue, only needed 0.3 percent more votes to have avoided a runoff, where he lost.

America’s political system today, with rare exceptions, is a two party system. All that Perdue needed was for one in seven of Hazel’s voters to choose him instead, and the GOP would still control the U.S. Senate. In a two party system, it doesn’t take much to be relevant. Hazel now intends to run as a Libertarian for governor in Georgia in 2022.

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Commentary: Georgia Can Be a Firewall Against Illegal Immigration

Joe Biden wants to offer amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens. And Georgia’s senators are the only ones who can stop him – or provide him the votes to get it.

Incumbent Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue will face off against Democratic challengers Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff Tuesday. If the Democrats win both Georgia runoffs, the Senate will be split 50-50, and Kamala Harris will hold the tie-breaking vote on a range of critical legislation, including an amnesty bill.

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Rep. Ayanna Pressley Calls Loeffler, Perdue and McConnell ‘the Bonnie and Clyde of Corruption’

Democratic Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley on Friday compared Republican Georgia Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to “the Bonnie and Clyde of corruption.”

Pressley criticized “this GOP-led Senate” on MSNBC host Joy Reid’s “The ReidOut” for sticking with the Trump administration’s policies and criticized them for being distant from challenges Americans face due to COVID-19. Pressley criticized President Donald Trump and said he permitted the economic challenges.

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President Trump Pledges to Campaign in Georgia December 5 for Sens. Perdue, Loeffler

President Donald Trump said he will campaign in Georgia on December 5 for incumbent Republican U.S. Sens. David Perdue (R-GA) and Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) in the runoff election.

On Friday, in response to a Newsmax story saying many conservatives plan to boycott the election, Trump tweeted, “No, the 2020 Election was a total scam, we won by a lot (and will hopefully turn over the fraudulent result), but we must get out and help David and Kelly, two GREAT people. Otherwise we are playing right into the hands of some very sick people. I will be in Georgia on Saturday!”

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Blackburn, Hagerty Represent Tennessee in 50-State Effort to Support Georgia Runoff Candidates and Preserve Republican Control of Senate

Tennessee Republicans are joining in a 50-state effort today to raise funds to support Georgia’s U.S. Senate runoff elections. The Georgia Battleground Fund event will be held in all 50 states, Fox News reported. The Jan. 5 runoff election for incumbent Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler against their…

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Georgia GOP Vote Chief Blames Trump And His Voters For Apparent Defeat

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), who is on the defensive with his fellow Republicans over his handling of the election and the recount, is now lobbying a serious accusation against U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and blaming President Donald Trump for not receiving more votes.

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Analysis: A Lack of Signature Verification in Georgia Damages Recount Validity

Georgia is undertaking a hand recount of ballots cast in the 2020 election in an effort to ensure ballot integrity, but with absentee mail-in ballots already separated from their envelopes, it may be impossible to pull back any votes even if they were cast by ineligible voters.


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Glitchy Dominion Voting Machines in Georgia Were Used in Response to Previous Voting Concerns

Dominion voting machines, which have drawn scrutiny over security concerns during the November 3 elections, ironically made their entrance into use in Georgia this year after concerns were raised about the sanctity of past elections.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said in an undated press release that he had selected Dominion Voting Systems’ new verified paper ballot system to be in operation for the March 24, 2020 presidential primary.

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