Comer Subpoenas Three White House Staffers for Allegedly Covering Biden Mental Decline

James Comer and Joe Biden

The House Oversight Committee subpoenaed three White House staffers on Wednesday alleging they are “running interference” for President Joe Biden over his perceived mental decline.

Biden left many Democrats concerned over his performance at the first presidential debate last month, after he stumbled his way through his responses, which raised questions about his ability to serve as commander-in-chief for another four years.

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FDA Blesses Departing COVID Vaccine Reviewers to Influence Agency ‘Behind the Scenes’ at Moderna

Moderna Vaccine

David Morens, a senior adviser to then-National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, once told an ally “our FOIA lady” showed him “how to make emails disappear after I am FOIA’d but before the search starts.” He’s now on administrative leave.

Fauci’s former chief of staff, Greg Folkers, appeared to intentionally misspell proper nouns and names likely to be sought in Freedom of Information Act requests related to COVID-19 origins.

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Trans Activist Group Pressuring Corporations to Cover Child Sex Change Drugs in Insurance Plans

A transgender activist group is pressuring corporations to provide insurance coverage for child sex change drugs and genital surgeries.

The Humans Rights Campaign (HRC) is an LGBTQ+ activist group that champions pediatric sex change interventions such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and sex change surgeries. Since 2002, the HRC has issued their Corporate Equality Index (CEI) survey, which scores corporations based on their commitment to LGBTQ+ activism and adherence to LGBTQ+ ideology; corporations can score up to 100 points if they fulfill all criteria outlined by the HRC.

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Heir to George Soros’ Empire Engaged to Former Hillary Clinton Aide Huma Abedin

Alex Soros

Alexander Soros, son of George Soros and chairman of the Open Society Foundations, is engaged to veteran Democratic operative Huma Abedin, according to his Instagram account.

“This happened … we couldn’t be happier, more grateful or more in love,” Soros wrote on social media on Tuesday alongside a picture of him proposing to Abedin. Soros proposed to Abedin in New York City in late May, with the couple later absconding to Italy to celebrate and only making their engagement public more than a month later, Vogue reported.

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Analysis Examines What Happens If Biden Clings to Power Regardless of Election Outcome

Biden Speaking

A new report examines the possible outcomes of the Nov. 5  election and the prospect of President Joe Biden’s using government force to hold onto power.

“President Biden is very well-positioned to hold the White House by force in the case of an unfavorable electoral outcome,” says the report from the 2024 Transition Integrity Project, which is led by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project. 

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Rate of Office Vacancy Reaches Record High

Empty Office

The second quarter of 2024 saw the rate of office vacancy in the United States hit a record high total of 20.1 percent, according to Moody’s tracking.

As reported by Axios, the rise in office vacancy in the last several months has been unusual compared to past trends, as such rates usually only rise during economic downturns. Thus, the rate continuing to increase despite the economy remaining relatively stagnant is an indication of consumers’ and business owners’ ongoing negative sentiments about the current state of the economy.

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Commentary: The Reason Biden Is So Insistent on Running

Joe Biden

We all come to a time when it is time to take stock. During my years at three major law firms, I barely remember any attorney there who was late into his or her sixties. The hours are demanding and grueling. If the attorney is not that good, he or she would not still have been there past the early forties anyway. The firms are not shy about handing out walking papers because long lines of applicants await a chance at those same high-paying jobs. Moreover, because those lines of vultures are so long, and those applicants are so hungry, the pressure on those with the jobs is intense because “One wrong move, and out you go.” But unlike the aphorism: “and do not turn the lights off, nor close the door behind you, because your replacement is sitting in the reception area ready to pounce in the moment you leave.”

So, if the weaker attorneys are gone by their forties or fifties, that would leave only the strong ones to be there into the sixties. But the strong ones make boatloads of money, in the many millions, and the cost-benefit analysis weighing the hours and pressure versus the opportunity to retire with millions and while still in reasonably good health leads the rest of them to retire by their early sixties. Among the few elders still hanging around at the mega firms, there are only three types of exceptions:

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Group Funding Lawsuit by Georgia Realtor Vows to ‘Stop Cancel Culture’ by Helping Americans ‘Defend Themselves’

Doug Turpin

The founder of Coalition for Liberty, the organization funding a lawsuit brought by a Georgia realtor who was fired after making a public speech about sexually explicit materials in public libraries, told The Georgia Star News that cancel culture will be defeated when activists learn “everyday Americans” have the support of groups like his.

Coalition for Liberty is funding the lawsuit filed by Julie Mauck against LGBT activists and an activist organization, which she states made false claims about her July 2023 speech in opposition to the reading materials.

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Country Music Hall of Fame Celebrates New Luke Combs Exhibit

The Country Music Hall of Fame® (CMHOF) and Museum on Wednesday celebrated the opening of its newest exhibition Luke Combs: The Man I Am. The exhibit traces Combs’ story from singing with his school choirs in North Carolina to headlining stadiums worldwide. The exhibit, which opened on Thursday, is included with museum admission. Combs’ exhibit will go til June 2025.

Besides the CMHOF staff and Sony executives, Luke Comb’s wife and parents, his high school choir teacher, and his pals from Town Tavern in Boone, North Carolina, where he first began performing, were in attendance for the unveiling.

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Commentary: Addressing the Root Cause of Our Veterans’ Suicide Epidemic


On June 27th, I hosted a Special Order speech on the House floor to raise awareness of veteran Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I chose this date for a reason: June was National PTSD awareness month, and June 27th was National PTSD Awareness Day.

According to the National Center for PTSD, ten percent of all Veterans suffer from PTSD. PTSD is the leading cause of the Veteran suicide epidemic, claiming between 17 and 44 Veteran lives each and every DAY – a cumulative loss of nearly 150,000 Veteran lives since 9/11. This figure is 21 times greater than the 7,000 servicemembers we lost in post-9/11 warzones, making PTSD exponentially more lethal than combat.

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Montana Supreme Court Hears Appeal of Landmark Anti Fossil Fuel Case Won by Youth Climate Activists

Montana Supreme Court

The Montana Supreme Court heard oral arguments this week in the state’s appeal of a case that is so far one of the only successful climate cases of dozens that activists, states, and local governments have filed against government agencies and oil companies.

The case, Held v. Montana, involves 16 young plaintiffs who were organized by the anti-fossil fuel nonprofit Our Children’s Trust to sue the state of Montana for allegedly violating the kids’ constitutional rights to a clean and healthy environment by permitting oil, gas and coal projects in the state without regard to their impacts on global warming.

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Small Businesses Worry About Inflation, Survey Shows


Small businesses cite inflation as their number one concern, according to new survey data.

The National Federation of Independent Businesses released the survey results Tuesday, which show that 21% of small business owners cite inflation as “the single most important problem in operating their business,” more than any other issue.

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