Tea Party Patriots Action Calls on National School Boards Association Leadership to Resign

Frank Henderso


Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) on Monday called on the leadership of the National School Boards Association (NSBA) to resign.

The organization apologized on Friday for a letter sent to the Biden administration, which called on the federal government to investigate concerned parents who spoke out against recent trends in school curriculum.

The letter eventually led to Attorney General Merrick Garland to announce that the Department of Justice and the FBI would launch an effort to address the alleged increase in “threats” made against school officials.

“The NSBA’s apology is too little too late. The only reason they are apologizing is because of intense media backlash. Their leadership remains dedicated to left-wing causes, including Critical Race Theory. If the NSBA truly wants to win back support from parents, they should stop pushing CRT and their leadership should resign,” said TPPA Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin in an emailed statement.


“Parents who care about their children’s education should be applauded, not treated as potential domestic terrorists.”

Furthermore, the group called on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to stop the ongoing investigation initiated by Garland.

“Given the NSBA’s apology, the FBI should immediately cease any investigations into parents who spoke up at local school board meetings. The FBI should never have done that to begin with,” Martin continued. “Public service employees in government agencies such as the FBI and CDC must stop protecting special interests groups and start protecting constitutional rights.”

Previously, the group released a video tutorial for parents across the country, educating them on the NSBA and urging opposition to the organization.

Additionally, members of the Tea Party Patriots organization published a guide for citizens to push back on CRT teachings in public education throughout the country.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Frank Henderso” by Frank Henderso, photo “Viola Garcia” by National School Board Association, photo “Kristi Swett” by Salt Lake City School District and photo “NSBA conference” by Aldine ISD.




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One Thought to “Tea Party Patriots Action Calls on National School Boards Association Leadership to Resign”

  1. James

    Thank God for Tea Party Patriots Action !

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