Trump Ally Keys in on Voter Fraud as He Launches Campaign for Lieutenant Governor


A State Senator from Georgia who is running to replace notoriously anti-Trump Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R) has vowed to “expose all voter fraud,” making the issue of election integrity the cornerstone of his campaign.

“Let me ask you a simple question – if there wasn’t any cheating or fraud in the 2020 election, why every time we call for a full investigation, Stacey Abrams and the Democrats respond like this,” State Sen. Burt Jones (R-District 25) said in a campaign launch video.

The video cuts to a montage of people screaming and running, before returning to Jones.

“Pretty much tells you everything you need to know,” Jones says. “I’m going to make sure we investigate and expose all voter fraud. Because that’s what real leadership does.”

Jones, who claims he was the first elected official in Georgia to support Trump’s successful 2016 bid for president, is drawing a clear contrast between himself and Georgia’s current Lieutenant Governor.

Duncan was highly critical of Trump in the months following the November election, wherein the forty-fifth president continually questioned the results of that election, particularly in the Peach State.

“The quicker we can move past Donald Trump – President Donald Trump – and move on as a nation and as a party … you know, I’m encouraged that the movement’s starting to build, and the GOP 2.0 that’s – you know, we should never, as a party, let a person be more powerful than our party,” Duncan said on CNN in January.

He later announced that he would not seek reelection.

A litany of election issues remain unresolved in Georgia to this day.

Fulton County still has not released the chain of custody documents for hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots, which the state’s election rules require them to produce.

Further, when confronted with absolute proof that thousands of voters voted in the wrong counties in November, Gabriel Sterling, the Chief Operating Officer for the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) brushed off the news, dismissing it as “normal, everyday Georgians who are just trying to exercise their right to vote in a very weird year.”

Both Sterling and Raffensperger were themselves outspoken against Trump, and his claims of election fraud in the state.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Georgia Star News and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].




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