Passionately Catholic: Be Salt in a Bay Leaf World

Ponder this, I’m not much of a cook, but I have noticed on occasion, a bay leaf floating in my stew. In all my years of life, I’ve never really given much thought to bay leaves until now. I have to wonder if bay leaves are really necessary. Do they really make a difference in any given recipe and would they be missed if they were no longer available? My hunch is that most of us would never miss bay leaves if they were left out of a stew. Unlike bay leaves, salt is one seasoning that certainly would be missed if not part of a super stew.

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Passionately Catholic: Live and Love Every Day

Recently, I went through the drive-through at a local coffee shop. After I received my coffee, the employee said to me, “I just want to tell you that you have a very kind smile.” I looked at her and remarked back, “I bet you have one as well, I just can’t see it.” She was donning a mask and I was not. What are we all missing under the mask?

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Passionately Catholic: What We Are All Missing Under the Mask

Recently, I went through the drive-through at a local coffee shop. After I received my coffee, the employee said to me, “I just want to tell you that you have a very kind smile.” I looked at her and remarked back, “I bet you have one as well, I just can’t see it.” She was donning a mask and I was not. What are we all missing under the mask?

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Passionately Catholic: God Is in Control

Ponder this…

After watching the election results of our pro-life, pro-American president, a reassessment of the future of America must be made by all God-fearing Christians and patriots. Freedom, as defined by God and fundamentally endorsed by our country, has been incrementally removed from our daily lives. I’ve heard some say, “Not to worry, God is in control.”

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Passionately Catholic: Commandment Number One

We’ve all heard about the Ten Commandments, so let’s talk about those pesky little often-inconvenient truths. And let’s face it, we don’t like anyone telling us what we can, and especially what we cannot do, not even God. So do these commandments still apply to us today? You betcha. God knew everything when He gave them to us.

Let’s look at the commandment number one: “You shall love the Lord your God with your entire heart and put no other gods before him.”

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Passionately Catholic: Don’t Give to Caesar What Belongs to God

The pandemic has brought with it many mandates on how we are to live, work, and play. And well, there’s not much playing right now. We must keep our distance, put on our mask, and avoid most gatherings. This is for our own safety and the safety of others, as we are continually reminded.

Let’s take a look at the mandates on our constitutional right to exercise our religion. The mandates on our churches started with total closure. Churches are now open with limited capacity, but we must wear a mask and not sing. Holy water has been banned from Catholic churches, even though swimming in public pools is permitted. As scripture tells us, “We must render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God.”

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Passionately Catholic: Pray, Sleep and Don’t Take the Tag off the Pillow

One of the most frightening things I remember as a child was I thought that I might accidentally remove a tag from my pillow. Remember the warning Do not remove under penalty of law? The thought of being put in jail for removing the tag would keep me up at night. This begs the question, what keeps you up at night? Losing sleep because of our worries takes valuable time away from good sleep needed to function on all cylinders in the next day. How do you stop your thought induced insomnia? Here’s a recipe you might try.

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Passionately Catholic: Hell, It’s Not Tropical Vacation

Most of us live our lives not thinking all that much about where we are going to spend eternity. I think I can safely say that many believe they will be in a better place when they die.

After all, at nearly every funeral we attend, we hear that our dearly departed loved one is no longer in pain and they’re in a better place. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, the Lord has something else to say.

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Passionately Catholic: Embrace Life

There are new terms that have recently entered our daily vocabulary. One of these rather annoying terms is social distancing. Who would have imagined that there would be six foot markers on the floors of commercial retail and even religious establishments, indicating our limitations to access one another.

To put it bluntly, there’s nothing social about distancing. Being social means to be engaging with others. It means to be talking, laughing and expressing ourselves with others without the thought of having physical barriers in our interactions.

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Passionately Catholic: Commandment

We’ve all heard about the 10 commandments. So let’s talk about those pesky little often inconvenient truths, and let’s face it. We don’t like anyone telling us what we can, especially what we cannot do. Not even God. So do these commandments still apply to us today? You betcha. God knew everything when he gave them to us.

Let’s look at the commandment number one. You shall love the Lord, your God with your entire heart and put no other gods before him. If we want to love God, we must first get to know him.

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Passionately Catholic: Work Has Great Dignity

We hear from many of the people running for public office, the promise of free stuff, free healthcare for all, free education for all. Free cell phones, free food, and the list goes on and on. Many of us have bought into the idea that we deserve free stuff. But have we really thought about what the Lord has said about this?

Remember in the book of Genesis, the first chapter, no less. God created man and put him in the garden to work.

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