Passionately Catholic: God Is in Control

by Suzy Kelly


Ponder this…

After watching the election results of our pro-life, pro-American president, a reassessment of the future of America must be made by all God-fearing Christians and patriots. Freedom, as defined by God and fundamentally endorsed by our country, has been incrementally removed from our daily lives. I’ve heard some say, “Not to worry, God is in control.”

Well, God is always in control. This statement is as true as water is needed for us to stay alive each day. However, we must access water and drink it in order to live. The same is true with God. We must access him and call on him for his assistance.

If you want to change the country and the world, it starts with you and you must call on God. God became a man, Jesus, and he showed us what we need to do each and every day. Now each one of us has to do whatever he tells us, listen, obey and follow the teachings of his church, and be careful not to be deceived by the wolves in sheep’s clothing. I’m Suzy Kelly and I am Passionately Catholic.


Read more Ponderful Moments here.


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